Monday, October 29, 2012

Autumn Leaves

Due to inclement weather, Campus Ministry's Employee Oktoberfest had to be held indoors, although the Honors House deck was used for grilling the bratwurst...and a great time was still had by all.

 After this week's storm, the lovely orange leaves on this tree will  most likely be on the ground; however, there were some days this autumn when the garden was at peace!

Lovely Write-Up in the Peacock Press

A Green Oasis on Glenwood Avenue
Greening Glenwood is a blog that documents the creation of the community garden and shared outdoor space behind the Social Justice House, Honors House and Campus Mail House at Saint Peter's University. It is a welcoming space, where herbs grow in raised beds and a winding labyrinth of stones beckons exploration. The community garden also features a seating area for students to gather and socialize and an area for outdoor movement and musical performances. From Zen meditations to garden fresh cooking demonstrations, the community garden is a green oasis within a city of stone. To view breathtaking photos and learn more about the University’s community garden, visit the Greening Glenwood blog. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Then and Now

In 2009, Father Michael Braden, SJ blessed the newly-established Social Justice Program garden, named for Father Coman Brady and Detective Marc DiNardo. 
The Buddha looked on.

This was a great start to re-claim a neglected outdoor space, full of rubble and weeds. A wonderful labyrinth was also created. 
However, these improvements did not hold up to time: 

Today, the graffiti is still on the wall of the Rec Center behind the Brady-DiNardo garden, but most of the weeds, falling fences and rubble are gone. 
The 2009 innovations have been refreshed and augmented. 
Buddha still looks on:


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Come to Our JC Fridays Event this Friday, September 7th!

Arts, Greens and the Good Life

A day for appreciating Nature, Health and the Arts,

Sponsored by the Social Justice and Honors Programs of Saint Peter’s University.

All events located in the Saint Peter’s University Community Garden, 
behind 123-129 Glenwood Avenue (Rain location in 125 & 127 Glenwood Avenue)
Everyone Welcome: The Public, Students, Staff & Faculty!

10:00 & 11:00: Introduction to Permaculture Design - Workshops by Jan Graff,  Sustainable JC 

12:00 – 8:00: Clothesline Art Sale, Open Artist Call, submit day of or September 6th 5-7pm at 125 Glenwood. Proceeds Support: 50% artist, 50% garden-art projects & West Side Community Alliance

12:30: Zen Meditation, with Fr. Michael Braden, SJ / Labyrinth Walk with Mark Graceffo, ECC Library

4:00: An Introduction to Diamond Way Tibetan Buddhist Meditation, with Dr. Alexander Mirescu

5:15: Yoga, with Sarah Anfora ’08 and Dr. Rachel Wifall (Rain location: Yanitelli Recreation Center Dance Studio)

6:30 – 8:00: Garden fresh cooking demonstrations and food by Bread and Spoon 

*A special thanks to the Department of Maintenance, the O’Toole Library staff, 
the Public Policy Program, Campus Ministry, and the Departments of Political Science, Sociology and Urban Studies, and Fine Arts*

Friday, August 3, 2012

New Growth

Many things we planted are beginning to bear fruit (and flowers)!



A fig!


Herbs and Veggies

Please join us in the garden on Friday, September 7th, for a Jersey City Fridays Event 
(4-8 pm), featuring outdoor meditation, yoga, a clothespin art sale, garden-fresh food and cooking demonstrations by Bread and Spoon, and live entertainment!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Labyrinth Revisited

A few years ago, Librarian Mark Graceffo did an amazing job creating a stone labyrinth in the back yard, for the purpose of mindful walking and meditation. Over time, Nature took its toll: weeds proliferated, stones fell out of place, and the tree stump seats began rotting. We on the garden committee decided that we could breathe new life into the labyrinth by adding groundcover which would not only hlep delineate the walking spaces, but also keep weeds down in the future. Thanks SO much to Anna, Daisy, Tasheeda, Noel and Paul for their hard work in the hot weather.



In the near future, an Asian-inspired bench and Buddha statue will be incorporated into the arrangement, as well as flowering bushes behind, along the wall of the Rec Center. The entire lawn will also be re-seeded, so things are looking up and up! We hope to offer guided meditation sessions at the labyrinth and to incorporate its use into outdoor yoga classes too.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Old Plants/ New Plants

As part of the Greening Glenwood effort, Tasheeda has thoroughly documented the existing plant-life in the garden.

The existing flowers, herbs, and shrubs, although lovely, were in sore need of company.  I'm happy to report that after two trips to the nursery this week, we have many new plants ready to be put in the ground, in addition to seeds to be planted next Spring.  Since almost all of the plants are perennials they are sure to provide beauty and enjoyment for years to come.



Anyone know what these are?

New plants!!!
Cheers to Rachel, Fadia, Anna, Deirdre, and Tasheeda for selecting and transporting the plants.  And thanks to the Social Justice Program for funding this project.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Labyrinth Makeover Tomorrow!

Tomorrow morning (Thursday 6/28), Home Depot will drop a huge load of marble chips 
on the Honors House driveway. We plan to lay them inside the labyrinth (see photo below), in hopes that they will both look good and keep the weeds down. 
In the future, we will conduct meditation sessions in the labyrinth, 
independently and in conjunction with yoga classes.

Fortunately, these stones come in relatively small and manageable bags. 
If a decent group of people shows up at the Honors House driveway at 1:00 and each person disperses the contents of just a few bags of stone, the job shouldn't be too bad! 

You know what they say: 
"Many hands make for light work."

Come one, Come All!

Cold beverages will be provided.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Kitty Mystery

We have the opposite of a cat burglar at the Honors House.

Someone has placed two kitty garden statues on the Honors backyard deck, understandably for Dr. Wifall--known cat lover and mother of two red tabbies--to discover.

Thank you!!!

Please come forward, whoever you are, for a big hug.
