Monday, September 22, 2014

People’s Climate March, NYC - 9/21/2014

Saint Peter's University students and faculty joined roughly 400,000 others in New York City, for the People's Climate March--the largest demonstration for climate action in history! 

Students created the Mother Earth puppet at the 
3rd Annual SPU Community Garden Event.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Photos of 3rd Annual Garden Event 9-14

September 4th and 5th, 2014

A Cloudless Thursday 
in the Saint Peter's University Community Garden:


Dr. Alexander Mirescu of the Department of Political Science 
and students discuss the Saint Peter's/United Nations initiative on 
Disaster Risk Reduction:

Dr. Anna Brown, of the Department of Political Science 
and the Social Justice Program:

Father Rocco of Campus Ministry blesses our gardens:

Ice cream, from Milk, Sugar, Love!

Music from the Filthy Rotten System Band:

Puppet making, for the People's Climate March NYC, 9/21/14:

Dr. Mirescu leads Diamond Way Tibetan Buddhist Meditation, 
followed by Yoga with Dr. Wifall.

Kindred, sweet service dog in training, joins us on Friday:

Dr. Redden, of the Department of Chemistry 
and the Environmental Studies Program, 
speaks on Climate Variations:

Quiet time in the Labyrinth:

More Puppet Work!
